Managing Service Groups

Managing Service Groups

Service groups essentially allow you to create a folder group of your services. Once you've created that group, you can create a private url to that service group to send people to for booking.

This is beneficial for, say, a spa that does both nail appointments and hair appointments. On their website, they might have a page dedicated to their nail services and a page dedicated to their hair services. Their nail services page could have a direct link to their nail services group scheduler while their hair services page could have a direct link to their hair services group scheduler.

In checkAppointments, this can be found under Setup > Services by clicking the button at the top called "Manage Service Groups". In this documentation, we will go through how to:

If you have any questions about service groups after reading through this documentation, feel free to contact our support team or to sign up for a general support call.



How to create a service group

To create a service group, you're first going to go to Setup > Services and click on the button at the top to "Manage Service Groups":


In this example, I have a number of different tutoring subjects and I want to sort them into groups so that from my tutoring website, students who are interested in getting tutored for, say, math can go to the "Math Tutoring" page on my website and only have to choose from Math subjects instead of all the subjects we offer tutoring in.

From my "Add & Manage Service Groups" page, I'll first click the button to "Add New Service group":


Next, I will name my service group so that it is easily identified:


Then, from my list of services, I will select all of the services that I want to display on the scheduler for Math Tutoring options and then press the "Next" button at the bottom:


After clicking "Next" the service group is successfully created and you'll be taken back to your main "Service Groups" list screen. You'll see the service group you just created, the services that are in it, and the unique URL that it is available at:


If you click on the service group, you'll enter into the service group's edit screen and you can click on the Private URL for that service group to check out the scheduling flow for it:


You'll see by clicking through that private URL that on the "Services" screen, only the services in the service group show up.

If you would like to show your newly created service group in your company scheduler go to Setup Tab > Service Group Panel and check the box next to Show Service Group:



How to edit a service group

If you have already created a service group and want to change the services that are set to display in it, you'll need to follow these steps to edit it.

First, go to Setup > Services and click on the button at the top to "Manage Service Groups":


On the "Add & Manage Service Groups" screen, click the pencil edit icon next to the service group you need to edit:


Next, on the service groups edit page, select the other services you wish to include or unselect the services you wish to no longer display with the service group:


You will also notice at the bottom of the screen that you can grab a Private Embed code for the service if you want to place the scheduler directly on your site. You can also upload a logo for the service group that would apply to the scheduling landing page for that group.

Once you have finished selecting or deselecting the services, click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page:


Your service group's scheduler will then update with the respected services you selected/deselected.



How to delete a service group

If you need to remove a service group, simply navigate to the Manage service groups page from your main Services list:


On the "Add & Manage Service Groups" screen, click the pencil icon next to the service group you need to delete:


Scroll to the bottom of your service groups page and click the "Delete" button that's shown there:


This will remove the service group and effectively make the embed code or the scheduling landing page that was created inaccessible.

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