Viewing Emails

Viewing Emails

To see the emails that you've sent out to a client, there are 1 of 2 ways that you can do this:

  1. Go to the "Main" menu tab > My Calendar > and then find the appointment that you are looking for and click on it
  2. Go to the "List" menu tab > Open Appointments > and then find the appointment that are you are looking for

In this example, I am looking for the appointment that was scheduled with Darlene Smith for Monday, November 23, 2015 for Homemade Butter Churning. I have used the second option and found her appointment through the "List" menu tab > Open Appointments and sorted the dates in descending order.


Click on the Magnifying Glass to see the Appointment Details screen and be able to access your emails.


Once you're on the Appointment Details screen, click on the "Emails" tab and this will show you the emails that have been sent to the client.


You will now be able to see the emails. I can see the different types of emails that have been sent to myself as the staff member and an email that has been sent to Darlene. To view the specifics of an email, click anywhere within the email's details. I am going to click on the "Appointment changed/rescheduled to CLIENT" email sent to Darlene's email address:


I can now see the specifics of the email that I sent to her. I added a short thank you message to Darlene previously and can see this change reflected here. Once you're done viewing the email, click on the "x" in the upper right corner and this will take you back to the screen with the Emails tab:


And that is how you can view emails sent to your clients.