checkAppointments classes functionality allows you to define a schedule for a group-based appointment. For each class session in your schedule, you can define the maximum capacity of clients who can register. The timeslots for classes as displayed to clients are configured differently than the timeslots for Services. You can learn more about the scheduler settings for time displays for classes here.

On this documentation we will go through how to add a new class. 


How to Add a new class:

First go to Setup->Class

Then select the "Add New Class" button

In the first part of setting up the class, you will give it a name and a duration. The duration can be changed per class session, but by default the duration you select here will apply as you set up the schedule for your class sessions:

Class Schedule

Class Schedule shows the availability of the class. It tells the system which location the class will be held at, which staff will host the class and how many seats are available.

Select Add New Schedule if it is a class that is only occurring one time (Click Add Recurring Schedule if it is a class that's led, for example, every other Thursday)

Fill in the class details and click the SAVE button