5. Appointment Cancellation due to Non payment - STAFF

5. Appointment Cancellation due to Non payment - STAFF

This email is sent to the a staff member if you have marked payment as required, the client selects a service or class that has a price indicated for it, and they do not enter payment information within 30 minutes of reserving the appointment.

Default Template Text



Subject: [Appointment Cancellation] %CLIENT_FULLNAME% on %APPT_DATE_TIME%

Email Body:

Appointment cancellation due to non-payment.


%CLIENT_FULLNAME% scheduled an appointment with you for %REASON% at %APPT_DATE_TIME% but did not fill in payment information. We put the reservation on a 30 minute hold to allow time for payment but at this time it still has not been received. This appointment has now been cancelled.

In order to make changes, please login to the following website: http://checkappointments.com/checkAppointments/index.html

Received Email Screenshot