Color Coding Appointments by Service & Class

In viewing your upcoming day or week, it may help to color code the services and classes that you offer. If you select a color to display services or classes in, the appointments for those services & classes will show up in those colors on the Main → My Calendar or Main → Staff Schedule views. They will also display in the selected color in any List view you may be looking at. 


Assigning Colors to Services

To assign a color to a service, go to Setup → Services and click on the Service you want to display in a different color:


Once you are in the Service Setup screen, look beneath the "Duration" field to select from a list of available colors for the service to be displayed in:


Once you have selected the color, tab over to the "Staff" tab to press save and commit your changes on the service:


After pressing save, your service will now display on the My Calendar and Staff Schedule view in the color you have selected.

Assigning Colors to Classes:

To assign a color to a class, go to Setup → Class and click on the Class you want to display in a different color:


Once you are in the Class Setup screen, look beneath the "Duration" field to select from a list of available colors for the service to be displayed in:


Once you have selected the color, scroll to the bottom press save and commit your changes on the class:


Now any client who signs up as an attendee for one of your classes will display in that color on your Main → My Calendar & Main → Staff Schedule views.


Viewing Services & Classes that are color coded on Main → My Calendar and Main → Staff Schedule

Now that you've got your services & classes color coded, navigate to Main → My Calendar to see how they look from that view:


You can also look at Main → Staff Schedule to see the different colors applied:


Finally, you'll see these colors applied under any List view as well: